The Epic of Gilgamesh

Painting scenes of "The Epic of Gilgamesh" is the main project that I'm working on right now. The tablet of the text were discovered from middle-east where I was born and raised, as a result I felt more affinity towards the epic after reading it for the first time. You can read more about the epic here to understand why this piece of work is important to us. 

You can also follow my Instagram account to see my progress. I had to delete few of my posts to abide by Instagram guidelines; they were for the paintings "Soldiers Taking Brides" and "Shamhat Goes to Enkidu".

Gilgamesh and Citizens of Uruk

Acrylic on Canvas

Soldiers Taking Brides

Oil on Canvas

Enkidu's Creation

Oil on Canvas

The Hunter Sees Enkidu

Oil on Canvas

Shamhat Goes to Enkidu

Oil on Canvas

Enkidu and Shamhat In The Forest

Oil on Canvas

I'm working on more epic scenes! Follow me on Instagram for the latest paintings!